Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Top 5 Reasons it's GOOD to be Indie!

Yesterday Dana and I recorded an interview for an internet radio show (more info to come on that when available), and it got me to thinking about why it's so great to be an Indie artist right now. So, I decided to come up with MY top 5 reasons it's good to be Indie.

1. There are no RULES: As the Majors have shown us over the last few years, there's really no plug and play, guaranteed formula for success in the music industry anymore. The old way of doing things is dead, especially for us Indies. The standard approach of write music, play shows, build following, get radio play, land record deal, doesn't have to be the path to success anymore. We're only limited by our creativity and our willingness to explore new ideas and forge new trails.

2. Everything you need is at your fingertips:
Never before has it been so incredibly easy to make music, record music, and reach and audience with your music. Of course this also means that competition for an audience has increased, making it more important than ever that we be all around better performers with a stronger business savvy. Only the strong will survive.

3. Labels are no longer necessary: Besides funding, what are you looking for in a label? Most labels these days don't put a lot of effort into artist development, and most Indies (myself included) are reluctant to give up creative control to the money men. Unless you just want the bang that having some money behind you could make, there's really nothing that a label offers that an enterprising artist or band can't do for themselves. In this day and age of internet connections, there's really no need for middle men. Why give up your control? Why make money for others?

4. You control your pace:
With the increase of internet exposure, it's possible to reach more of an audience without having to kill ourselves on the road, as much. Not to diminish the need for touring, but it is so much easier to build our fanbase now through virtual means, allowing us to choose the pace of our travel, as well as our growth.

5. Releasing music is FREE, or damn near: With the accessibility of quality home recording equipment and the ease and popularity of digital media, we can release as much material as we want, at virtually no cost. Even some Indie labels are embracing the "Digital Only Release" trend. If the majority of our sales are going to come from download, why put the money into CD duplication? If it's for a physical product to sell at shows, there's always drop cards. I'm sure that we could all find better uses for our money than to be laying in a stock of CDs that people are not buying, right?

So, anyway, that's my top 5 reasons. Drop me a note and tell me why you think it's awesome to be an Indie.
