Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Really CD Baby?.................Really?

So, the big news today is the surprising sell of CD Baby ( to Disc Makers.

This comes as quite a shock to a lot of people in the Indie world, as founder, Derek Sivers had once proudly stated that he would "NEVER" sell CD Baby.

I understand that all things in life change, and seeing as Derek says he's not even been involved in the day to day operations of CD Baby since 2002, it's probably a good thing that he's passing it on to someone who can give it the attention needs for it to grow to new levels of success.

My only question is why Disc Makers? They hardly have the best reputation for customer service and reliability, so how are they going to improve upon the existing system? Besides the Face lift they've already given the CD Baby page, what are they going to do to increase sales for their artists?

Ahhh, the times, they are a changing.

Read more about it here:

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