Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Be Yourself

Hey Heroes,

You know, this last week has been a study in knowing my Self. It's a funny thing that a lot of the time we just run on auto-pilot, just reacting to situations as they arise, rather than shaping the situations that we're in. I know that I'm guilty of that a lot of the time.

Part of really getting on top of ourselves is to really know who we are, what we're willing to do, what we're NOT willing to do, what we'll compromise on, and what we're unmoveable about. To be able to enter any situation with a solid faith in ourselves to be able to handle whatever comes.

This has been a big problem for me in the past. It's a real easy thing, when we're in this state of mind, to feel that the actions of others are meant as a direct slight toward us. It's hard for us to grasp that, as worried about our own interests as we are, everyone else is in the same boat.

By being on top of our game, and having a strong sense of self, we can steer the course of any situation we find ourselves in, and in most cases we can steer it in our benefit.

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