Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Power of Everpresence

This week I'd like to talk about one of the greatest marketing tools we as Indies have, Everpresence. I know, it's really not a word, but I think it sums up a great deal. The best way we have of making a name for ourselves is to put ourselves out there and in the spot light as much as possible.

We could definitely take a lesson from the hip hop community on this one. Take the success of Lil' Wayne, in the last couple of weeks. While certainly not the best rapper on the planet, he has saturated the Internet with his name, his songs, and his "brand", and it's garnered him huge success. Shouldn't we then take examples such as this and dissect them and find the formula for our own successes?

In a world that is becoming increasingly media based, why not take advantage of every possibility to put your name, and your face, in the minds of any and every prospective fan available? Buy an inexpensive video camera and create a YouTube account, Start video podcasting from your website, be creative and come up with ways to "be everywhere" that no one else has thought of.

It's a fact that, in this day and age, anyone can be a musician, and anyone has access to all of the same marketing outlets. It's become a game of who can do it most frequently and who can do it the best. What are you willing to do to be the best?

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