Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fuel for the Muse, or a mental roadblock in the making?

As Artists we sometimes rely on our pasts and past experiences to fuel the creative drive of our Art, but what if those past experiences are holding us back as well?

For me, this was really brought home over the last few weeks. Since as early as I can remember I've been an anxious kind of guy, and over the years it's caused me some problems and it's held me back from doing some of the things that I really want to do with my life.

It's a tough thing to admit, sometimes, that the very experiences that shape who we are may have, in some way, damaged us as well.

If pressed, most of us would agree that we Artist types are a sensitive lot from the get go. We're brooding, quiet, and reclusive as well as creative. Some folks are better able to push that side down and get on with their dreams than other. Those of us that aren't that fortunate tend toward booze or drugs, or for some of us (my hand reluctantly held high), we end up with emotional or mental problems. Anxiety, in my case.

The important thing is to recognize when things like this become a road block to our success and take the necessary steps to change it, whether it's a 12 step program or my, once daily, dose of medication. I've known too many good Artists lost along the way because they couldn't overcome their obstacles. I'm glad I had the kind of support that allowed me to put myself first and take the steps I needed to to get the help I needed.

It's not selfish to put your own interests and ambitions first. That's the lesson that I learned from this situation.

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