Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Get on with getting on with it!

Pop Quiz hot shot! What do you do when you've planned everything into the ground?

You get on with it and just do it already!

Yep, this last week has been an exercise in getting on with it. It's one thing to think about your growth potential, to talk about how you want to reach new people and make new connections, brag about how you're going to rule the freakin' world, but it's a whole other thing to just shut up and do it.

The best laid plans are nothing but scribbles on paper unless you take the steps to initiate them.

I don't know how many others may do this, but I have a tendency to analyze things to death before I act on them. I guess it's from being raised by parents who were anything but risk takers, so I like to make sure that everything is well thought out and risks are minimized before I take any leap. This isn't always the best way to be though, because I've ended up missing out on some really great opportunities because of a fear to leap.

So, I guess what I'm trying to get at, is that while it's never a good thing to leap before looking, it can be just as bad to over plan and over analyze.

Write that plan well, but then get on with getting on with it, already.

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