Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ingeniously Genuine

I was out just a little bit ago and saw a bumper sticker that kinda stuck with me. It read " confuses people".

My first reaction was a little chuckle because it reminded me of a quote from one of my favorite TV shows, NBC's The Office. There's a classic line delivered by the character Kelly Kapoor (played by Mindy Kaling) that went something like "He's so complicated. Who says exactly what's on their mind?"

The more I got to thinking about this, the more I realized that we, as people, have a tendency to over analyze and over think every situation we're in. We've become so accustomed to the idea that people are going to double talk us, cheat us, stab us in the back, or use us that we often times DO get confused when we see that smile.

We live in a world were Business, especially at the corporate level, is assumed to have an agenda to take advantage of anyone and everyone. So, what can we, as Independents, and small business Entrepreneurs do about it?

I know that my own personal solution is to learn a little lesson from those quotes up above. Smile and mean it and always say what I mean. Treating our connections, clients, customers, friends, family, neighbors, and the security guard at the grocery store with the friendliness and respect that they are due is the best, and surest way to build trust and respect from others.

That's my opinion anyway and I think my plan of action too. I do pretty well being my genuine self. Give it a shot!

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