Thursday, July 1, 2010

Unwavering determination

It's funny how many ways that our goals in life get challenged. Seems like every turn brings another little barrier to walk around or step over or bust right through. I can't say that it upsets me anymore, really. It's just part of the process.

The important thing is to keep my eyes on the end goal, the pure vision, of what it is that I'm doing in my life. What my destiny is, even if it's a self imposed one. It may be a modest vision, but it is mine and I have to follow it with an unwavering determination.

I guess, truth be told, that there are little challenges like this in every aspect of what we do in our lives. The trick is learning to not be phased by them. Just step back for a minute and look for the quickest and most efficient way back to our path. Whether it means going around them or through them, the important thing is getting back on with the task at hand in the quickest way possible.

When it comes to our achieving our dreams we have to learn how to be machines. Well oiled, fast, nimble, and strong, because you never know when we'll have to sprint, dodge, jump, or bust trough what pops up in our way.

One thing is for sure, stopping and giving up are not options. We're artists and we'll never be happy if we do.

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