Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Rested Mind

I've found that I have a tendency to think a lot. Yup, I do. I think about work, I think about play, I think about family, and I think about how tight my jeans are getting and it's time to start running again.

The thing is, I never really take the time to not think. To completely tune out and rest for a while. I mean, even when I'm sleeping I have a tendency to toss and turn because of my mind being in overdrive. It's not healthy. It makes for a bad mental state and an uncomfortable inability to focus.

I think this is pretty common among creative people. Our bodies might be limited in the number of pursuits we can delve into at one time, but our minds are not. I find that it's very easy to get carried away, thinking of future projects, or trips, or events, or whatever. Basically, anything but being focused on what's at hand.

Meditation is one way of bringing ourselves back into focus, but then, how many of us actually take the time to do it? Unless you've got a structured practice, it's not an easy thing to remember to do, not to mention it can be taxing in itself. Being persistent at it brings pretty solid results though.

I just know that, for myself, I need to find time to shut my mind down and spend time not thinking. When I do, I find that my musical abilities are better focused, my writing is better, my ability to stay on task is easier, and my interactions with other people, especially clients, is sharper.

Yeah, I think there's a lot to be said for a rested mind.

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