Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Be Prepared Part Deux: Curly's Revenge

So, the other day I posted about the need to be prepared for the flood of new work that can come in from your prospecting efforts. Well, this week has totally shown me the need for another type of preparedness. What to do when you have a critical equipment failure at a very inopportune time.

The fact is that we all have those pieces of equipment (studio, shop, musical, or whatever) that we use, and possibly abuse, on a daily basis. It's the heartbeat of our operation. It's the key to our ability to do what it is that we do. Yet, at the very bottom of it, we have to admit that they are things and they do wear out. The best thing we can do is be prepared for the eventuality and do our best to minimize the effects of it.

Have a back up. Whether it's backing up the files from your computer on a daily basis, or having an extra guitar or mixer on hand, or keeping a daily updated disk of your new book project in the glove box of your car, do what you can to eliminate as much of the pain as you can.

Most of all, keep a level head and know what you can and can't do about it. It's just a part of life and with some pre-planning and a dedicated system of having back ups in place, it won't be a devastation. Just an inconvenience.

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