Thursday, May 6, 2010

Resistance: A Nasty Little Time Waster

Ever notice that it's the most important tasks that seem to take the longest? The ones you have the most passion for? The ones that will make the biggest impact on your life or your career? If this sound familiar than you're a victim of that nasty little time waster, Resistance. Yep, I touched on that a little bit yesterday.

The more we love something, the more we invest in it and the harder it is to let it go and be part of the world. We won't have it all to ourselves anymore. It won't be as perfect as we had envisioned it, as we built it up to be. In short, we start to over think it and we let little things pop up and take the attention away from it. We're scared of it. It becomes way easier to check our email again or go and revamp our filing system, or anything else that takes us away from delivering the goods.

Resistance is a nasty little time waster. It's a bastard. It's a part of all of our lives and it can only be expelled by diligence and force. Only by finding ways to keep ourselves on task and working toward our end goal can we beat it. Setting deadlines for ourselves, finding accountability partners, creating work hours and sticking to them, and making the conscious decision to focus on the big, important tasks first. So what if the filing system is a little weird? Who cares if the desk is cluttered? What matters is that we are doing what we do and making what we make and delivering to the world, for better or worse.

In the words of Richard Branson, "Screw it, let's do it!"

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