Monday, May 10, 2010

Content is King!

Happy Monday!

It's a chilly and rainy day here, but I'm not going to let that keep it from being a good day!

Today I've been thinking about content. Whether it's for your website, your social media pages, or your merch box, the content you have is what's going to bring you more fans or clients. What we provide is what's going to be the catalyst for how many people pay attention to us.

I've already talked about my views on quality, but this has more to do with the one-two punch of quality and quantity. We're only as good as our newest offering. People get bored with us is all we have is that tribute album that we produced 11 years ago. Believe me, I know. New product, news, and content is vital to the growth of our band or our brand.

Think about this. How many times have you gone to see your favorite live band and heard the same set? Now, how many years have they been around? See what I'm saying. The bands that survive and thrive are the ones who are constantly churning out new songs, new albums, new merch, and new ideas. The same can be said for small businesses. It's an ever changing environment and we need to grow with times or fold.

Music and small business are very similar. They're both creative endeavors. The question every day should be, "what am I going to make today"?

What are you going to make today?

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