Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Quit Over Thinking and Deliver Already

Happy Wednesday Heroes!

Hey, are you like me and have a hard time letting stuff be what it is? I mean spending too much time over thinking and rethinking every little detail? It's a wonder ANYTHING gets done, right?

What is it that makes us want everything just perfect before we share it with the rest of the world? Are we worried that people won't like it? Are we scared that we'll fail? Shit, all of that is inevitable. Not everyone will like what we do, and not everything we do is going to be a rousing success and bring us millions of dollars, so why not just let it be what it is?

That's the million dollar question right there, isn't it? I mean, I know that this probably seems a little bit at odds with what I talked about yesterday, you know, Quality and all, but it's really not. It's about getting your product, your song, your album, your video, or whatever out for others to benefit from. You can always tweak later. You can record another "better" version later. You can enhance, sharpen, brighten, clarify, or whatever, LATER. But what's wrong with getting the idea out there for people to benefit from NOW?

It's really all about killing the resistance that is keeping you from sharing yourself with the world. Think of how you're robbing the world of your gifts by not sharing them. Quit being so selfish already!

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