Monday, May 3, 2010

Building an EMPIRE off of your left overs.

So, I've been reading a really awesome book and I'm going to have to insist that you read it. Okay, I guess that really won't make much difference, but I do highly recommend it. The book is called Rework by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson. Check it out for yourself!

It's a great look at taking the bullshit out of business. Awesome read, but what really stood out to me was the section on selling your by-products. It's an idea that is WAY under used in both Indie Music and the Indie Business worlds.

Whenever we create a new product we inadvertently create by-products. If we record a new song, clips can be cut for other purposes (web audio, jingles, background music for commercial use), hell you can even create your own album trailers from it. What else can you use your creations for? What can you do to multiply the impact without multiplying the effort?

Do you film your recording sessions or demos to spread as viral marketing pieces? Acoustic demos can be a great free bonus to your diehard fans, or even as a way to generate more fans. Who doesn't love the intimate nature of seeing the creation process, up close and personal like?

Challenge yourself to find ways to utilize the by-products of your creativity. It could just be the foundation of your success.

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